Natural Herbs
Leaks Rosemary Watercress MarjoramKelpOnionChiveBasilCeleryThymeParsleyLovageGarlicBlack PepperChili PepperHorseradishLeeks
Belong to the Allium family which is the Latin word for "garlic". Knowing that it's no surprise that leeks are related to onions, garlic, chives, shallots, and their wild cousin, ramps. Leeks come in several varieties and are slightly sweet with a mild onion flavor. This ancient crop is native to Mediterranean lands and the middle east and has been used in ancient, traditional medicines as well as cooking for centuries.
Benefit of Leeks:
- Leeks are a great source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, which can aid in digestion. Depending on the variety, there is anywhere from 1.9g – 9g of fiber per 100g of leeks.
- Leeks also contain prebiotics, which help to feed the beneficial bacteria found in the digestive system, helping to reduce inflammation.
- Leeks are considered a superfood and are high in flavonoids, vitamins A, K, C and contain minerals such as iron and manganese.
Rosemary is an aromatic, woody perennial herb with evergreen-like needles, small flowers, and a member of the mint family. Its flavor is described as bittersweet, lemony, and slightly pine. The use of rosemary dates as far back as 500 B.C. where the Greeks and Romans used it for both culinary and medicinal purposes.
Benefit of Rosemary:
- Rosemary is known to aid in digestion. In fact, in Europe Rosemary is used to treat indigestion and is approved by Germany's Commission E.
- Rosemary is a good source of iron and calcium as well as, vitamins A, C and, B6.
- Known as a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory, Rosemary may boost the immune system and improve blood flow.
Considered a superfood watercress is a dark, leafy green aquatic plant that grows in basin-like streams of natural spring water. Part of the mustard family which includes collard greens, kale, turnips, and radishes, watercress is known for its slightly spicy, peppery flavor. It is thought that Cress originated in Persia and later spread to India, Syria, Greece, and Egypt.
Benefits of Watercress:
- Watercress contains 7% more vitamin C per ounce than an equal serving of oranges.
- Known for its eye health benefits, watercress boasts to have 40% of the Daily Value of vitamin A (in the form of Carotenoids).
- Its bitterness helps to stimulate digestions.
Marjoram is an aromatic herb that is a part of the Oregano and mint family. Its flavor is similar to that of Oregano but celebrated for its sweeter, more delicate flavor. In ancient times the Greeks & Romans saw Marjoram as a symbol of love and happiness. Today it is known as a staple in Italian and Middle Eastern cuisine.
Benefit of Marjoram:
- Supports healthy digestion through the production of stomach acids, stimulated appetite, and can help nausea.
- Marjoram has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Contains vitamins A and K which are known to boost the immune system and support proper blood clotting.
- Marjoram contains vital minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and manganese.
Grown in shallow, nutrient-rich coastal saltwater's around the globe Kelp is the superfood of the sea! Kelp, also known as sea algae, is a large brown type of seaweed that grows in Kelp forests. Kelp is thought to have appeared in the Miocene epoch, 5 – 23 million years ago. It is now used in everything from soap, to glass production, ice cream, toothpaste, and because of its high growth rate and methane-producing decay it has been proposed to use as a renewable source of energy.
Benefit of Kelp:
- Kelp is renowned as a naturally occurring source of iodine, which is imperative for proper thyroid function.
- Kelp contains the highest natural concentration of calcium – with 10 times more than milk!
- Kelp contains vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, and E, as well as minerals, zinc, magnesium, iron, potassium, and copper.
According to researchers' onions may be one of the earliest cultivated crops in history. It is thought that onions have been cultivated for more than 5,000 years but wild varieties have been consumed in prehistoric times. It is unclear exactly where onions originated from, as some research states central Asia, and others suggest Iran and West Pakistan. Onions come in many varieties and belong to the Allium family. The flavor of an onion varies depending on the type of onion but it is said to add a sweet, earthy flavor with an accent of spice or bite.
Benefit of Onions:
- Onions are known for their high vitamin C content which helps to support immune health.
- Onions are packed with antioxidants.
- A rich source of fiber and prebiotics, onions help to support a healthy digestive system.
Similar to Leeks, Chives belong to the Allium family. Its taste is similar to its cousin the onion but more delicate with a hint of garlic. Experts suggest adding Chives at the end of the cooking process to impart its mild flavor. The herb was not cultivated in Europe until the middle ages and in Medieval times it was used to keep insects at bay.
Benefit of Chives:
- Chives are loaded with vitamin K. In fact, if you were to consume 100g you would consume more than 170% of the daily recommended intake.
- Chives are an excellent source of potassium C and beta-carotene, which are flavonoid antioxidants that can help to eliminate free radicals.
Is the most widely used culinary herb in the world. A member of the mint family, it has a fresh aroma with a subtle peppery flavor and a hint of mint and licorice. Basil has had many uses throughout history, the Egyptians used it for embalming and preserving purposes, the Greeks used it as a sign of mourning, the Portuguese saw the herb as a symbol of love and it has a strong history in ancient medicine like Ayurveda, which dates back to ancient India.
Benefit of Basil:
- Basil is essentially calorie-free.
- A rich source of vitamin K, zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and dietary fiber.
- Basil contains phenolics, which is an antioxidant, as well as antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E.
Celery is most commonly known for its texture, which is crispy, crunchy, watery, and fibrous. It has a very distinct savory flavor and is characterized as green in taste, both mild and strong with a lingering salty, bitterness. Celery has been revered as a "diet-food" as it is very low in calories.
Benefit of Celery:
- Celery contains 25 anti-inflammatory compounds.
- Celery is known for its antioxidant properties as it contains vitamin C, beta carotene, flavonoids, and at least 12 other antioxidizing compounds.
- It is said that Celery helps to aid in digestion in part to its high-water content, 95%and sources of both soluble and insoluble fiber.
Another member of the mint family, Thyme is an ancient evergreen herb. Not know as an overly aromatic herb, it is said to have a "subtle, dry aroma". Its taste is earthy, sweet, peppery and as its family name suggests, minty. There are over 400 subspecies of Thyme, but Common Thyme is the variety most likely to be found in one's spice rack.
Benefit of Thyme:
- The essential oils found in thyme helps to support a healthy balance of microflora in the gastrointestinal tract and helps to maintain healthy digestion.
- Thyme contains impressive amounts of vitamins A & C, and minerals copper, iron, and manganese.
- Thymes essential oils are often used to help support upper functions and can be found in natural cough suppressants.
The two main varieties of parsley are Italian flat-leaf and French curly-leaf. Both are considered to be mildly bitter and add balance while brightening savory dishes. However, Italian flat-leaf parsley is said to have a stronger flavor, and most used for cooking. While French curly leaf is more often used as a garnish.
Benefit of Parsley:
- Parsley is low in calories but rich in vitamin A, C & K. Two tablespoons contain 154% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K.
- Parsley is a good source of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium.
- Impart to the fresh scent and high chlorophyll content, Parsley is said to have a deodorizing effect and can help fight bad breath.
Native to southern Europe, Lovage is a member of the parsley family. It is known for its intense, celery-like flavor with undertones of, parsley and a hint of anise. Lovage is so similar to celery that just a few leaves can be substituted in its place.
Benefit of Lovage:
- Like other leafy, green herbs Lovage is low and calories but high in vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant.
- Lovage contains an important flavanol, quercetin which provides anti-inflammatory benefits.
- In ancient times, Lovage has seen as a medicinal plant and was used as a digestive aid.
Garlic is one of the most widely used culinary ingredients. Part of the allium family, like onions and shallots the flavor of garlic differs when eaten raw vs. cooked. Raw garlic has a powerful, pungent flavor and odor but once cooked the flavor mellows, the cloves become soft and creamy with a nutty, mild taste. Garlic comes in a multitude of varieties and has been used for centuries in ancient medicine.
Benefit of Garlic:
- Garlic is highly nutritious, as it contains vitamin C, manganese, vitamin B6, as well as various other trace nutrients.
- Low-calorie content.
- Garlic is said to boost the immune system.
- Garlic supports healthy digestion through its pre-biotic properties which help to balance the microorganisms in one's digestive system by giving good bacteria the vitality it needs to survive.
Black pepper
Black pepper is known for its sharp, mildly spicy flavor which complements many dishes, making it a widely used spice. Its high concentration of beneficial plant compounds is why it's been revered in ancient Ayurvedic medicine and given the name "king of spices". Indigenous to Kerala, a province in southwest India. References to pepper have been made as early as 1,000 B.C and was a highly sought spice during the spice trade and pepper route. At one-point pepper made up 70% of the international spice trade.
Benefit of Black pepper:
- Black Pepper is rich in a compound called, piperine which is a potent antioxidant and can help to fight against free radicals.
- It is said that Black Pepper can support healthy digestion by stimulating certain digestive enzymes.
Chili Pepper
Chili peppers, once native to South America are now grown worldwide. Part of the Capsicum genus, chili peppers are fruit and belong to the nightshade family. Other common nightshade family members are tomatoes, cherries, and eggplant. The spiciness that we all love comes from a compound called capsicum.
Benefit of Chili Peppers:
- Chili peppers are rich in vitamins and minerals such as C, B6, K1, A, Potassium, and Copper. But since consumed in small amounts they don't have a significant impact on your daily intake.
- There is evidence that suggests that capsicum aids in pain relief, by binding to pain receptors.
Horseradish is a long, white tubular root. It belongs to the Brassicaceae family, which includes mustard, wasabi, brussels sprouts, and cabbage. Its potent flavor is noted as hot, spicy, and peppery. Its spice is different than the effects of hot peppers because horseradish is known to resonate in the nose and sinuses.
Benefit of Horseradish:
- Horseradish contains small amounts of calcium, potassium, magnesium, folate, and other micronutrients.
- It contains a plant compound known as glucosinolate, which is said to have many health benefits.
- The phytochemicals contained in Horseradish along with its fiber content can help ease and regulate the digestive system.
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